Software adapted to your needs

Each field of activity has its particularities, which is why we customize our price list according to your requirements, the volume of users, the features you select, and more.
We provide you with tailor-made pricing, which distinguishes you rather than assimilating you to the company next to you.

Book your demo!

Why are the prices not shown on our website?

We strongly believe in the importance of providing a service tailored to each client. For this reason, we do not list standard rates on our website. Indeed, costs vary depending on various factors such as the number of users, the functionalities required, the level of support, and the duration of the contract. That's why we prefer to discuss your specific needs with you to provide you with an accurate and personalized estimate.

What can I expect during a demo?

During a demonstration, you can anticipate a presentation adapted to your main needs. Our aim is to show you how our solution can meet your specific challenges. If your time is limited, no worries, we will adapt the duration of the demo to your availability, even if you only have 15 minutes.

What is a user?

A user refers to anyone who uses the FasterSanté, FasterCollecte, or FasterDelivery software, whether dispatchers, management team, or drivers. These users will have credentials to access the application.

Can I add more users later?

Yes You can simply add or remove users as needed.

Can I change the features we use later?

Yes The Faster software suite is highly customizable and allows you to add features according to your needs.